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Zantes muižas pils un parks

Skolas iela 14, Zante, Zantes pagasts, Tukuma novads, Latvija
56.835964 22.732082

Castle and park of Zante Manor (Elementary School of Zante)

Zante Manor building was constructed in the first half of the 19th century in classicism style. In 1925, a school was installed in the Zante Manor. From 1953-1963, the building hosted the Secondary School of Zante, later - the Elementary School of Zante. From the auxiliary manor buildings, only the servants’ dwelling house and the granary (19th cent.) and dairy building have been preserved.

Zante Manor as Knights Manor with half a manor Mežmuiža and Maz-Zante or Jaun-Zante. The old mame for Zante was Sante. It is believed to have come from Hermanis fon Zantens. Manor mentioned in description around 1500.
Around the manor, there is a park with foreign tree nurseries.

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