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Mācītājmuižas Ozolāju dabas taka

3,1 km no Kandavas, Mācītājmuiža, Kandavas pagasts, Tukuma novads, Latvija, LV-3120
57.015091 22.760653

Distance from Kandava Tourist Information Center - 3.1 km.

Length of the trail: 1.2 km

Difficulty: easy (there is a long ladder)

Entrance: free

Behind the building of the Pastoral House begins a trail that leads along the steep slope of the ancient bank of the Abava to the biologically valuable meadows on its present shores. There is also a special place - Old Ozolāji, where almost 100 years ago candlesticks loved to gather around the river to play open-air theater to celebrate the beginning or end of school. This was also a place for scouts.

During the project, stairs and two platforms have been created so that walkers can spare the steep slope from which the springs love to break. The project was implemented to protect the natural values that are here and to allow you to enjoy the picturesque banks of the river Abava and the nature park Abava ancient valley.

Kandava rectory was mentioned in 1582. The pastor of the congregation was granted a pastoral manor - a plot of land with a residential building and farm buildings during his service and remuneration.

Kandava rectory was built in the Classicist style, construction work began in 1835. Unfortunately, the building is now in a rather poor condition

The most notable pastor of Kandava parish from the 20th century was Rihards Zariņš (1889-1943), who was buried in the nearby Vimbuži cemetery.

Interesting: stairs 191 steps.

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