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Imulas dabas taka no "Vītiņiem" līdz "Villa Takai"

12 km no Kandavas, Matkules pagasts, Tukuma novads, Latvija
57.013905 22.623089

Nature trail along Imula river

Imula is one of tributaries of Abava - winding and at places with steep banks. The trail starts at the place where Imula flows into Abava. It is about 5 km long and leads up to the Buse castle mound. The nature trail along the Imula banks is one of the trails of the nature park of the ancient Abava river valley. Imula is one of the tributaries of Abava— a winding river with often steep banks. The path starts where Imula joins Abava near “Vītiņi” house, and you can walk it all the way to the guest house "Villa Taka" and back. As you walk it, you can enjoy the sights over the beautiful Imula valley, see the Devil’s Foot Boulder and many old and fallen trees. The path is marked with white lines on trees. The path is most beautiful during the springtime, when the blue, white and yellow spring flowers are blossoming. In wet weather conditions, the path can be very slippery.

Trail GPX fail

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Latvija.lvKandavas novada ceļu karte.Tukuma novada pašvaldībaAktuālās tirgus izpētesPiejūra, atkritumu apsaimniekošanaKandavas komunalie pakalpojumi
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