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Pūces ūdensdzirnavas

Pūces dzirnavas, Matkules pagasts, Tukuma novads, Latvija
56.962936 22.613487

Opening hours: Apply in advance.

Price: Donations.

Description: Pūce watermill (1st half of the 19th century). Initially, the machines were powered by several water wheels located between the two mill buildings. When installing three turbines, a new dam (waterfall) was built ~ 0.5 km above the mill, from which the water of Imula was discharged to the mill through a canal. The mill is now powered by electricity.

Above the entrance to the residential building is the ancient emblem of the mill, which probably originated in the 18th century, when the mill was in the same association with the artists and craftsmen of Kurzeme.

An owl designed by the sculptor D. Ezergaile can be seen on the gate pole. There is a drawing on the wall that was made during the filming of the film "Likteņdzirnas".

Next to the Pūce watermill is the General L. Bolstein Museum.

Pūce Watermill and General L. Bolstein Museum are privately owned.

Dati sagatavoti sadarbībā ar uzziņu portālu Pūces ūdensdzirnavas

Latvija.lvKandavas novada ceļu karte.Tukuma novada pašvaldībaAktuālās tirgus izpētesPiejūra, atkritumu apsaimniekošanaKandavas komunalie pakalpojumi
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