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Aizupes muiža un parks, manor house

20,8 km no Kandavas, Aizupes muiža, Vānes pagasts, Tukuma novads, Latvija
56.920258 22.584253

Aizupe Manor and park

The Aizupe Manor next to the river Imula was built from 1820 until 1823 during the times of Adolf Georg Hahn. Around 1830, a scenic park with the total area of about 14 hectares was set up around the Aizupe Manor; local and exotic tree and shrub species were planted there. Here, you can find beautiful alleys of thujas, oak-trees, beeches and chestnut trees. Thujas of all species found in Europe grow in this unique park.

The Aizupe manor building is an architectural monument of national importance. The building is one of the most notable examples of classicism style in Latvia, which has fully maintained the building scope and layout of premises.

The object of interest is a private property and therefore can only be viewed from the outside.

Dati sagatavoti sadarbībā ar uzziņu portālu Aizupes muiža un parks, manor house

Latvija.lvKandavas novada ceļu karte.Tukuma novada pašvaldībaAktuālās tirgus izpētesPiejūra, atkritumu apsaimniekošanaKandavas komunalie pakalpojumi
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