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Lapas karte

Tēviņkalna vīna darītava

16 km no Kandavas, Tēviņi, Zemītes pagasts, Tukuma novads, Latvija, LV-3135

Juridiskais nosaukums : Tēviņi, SIA
Reģistrācijas numurs : 40103513188
Juridiskā adrese : "Tēviņi", Zemītes pagasts, Tukuma novads, LV-3135
56.918018 22.836161

"Tēviņkalna" Home wine making

"Tēviņi" is a beautiful countryside home where delicious wine is made. Come and try all of the different wines, that are created from fruits and berries in their garden! Sit in the gazebo or the winery and enjoy the wine as the owner entertains you with stories of how wine is made and after that take a tour trough the garden. Special products are "Raspberry Sparkling Wine" and ''Latvadoss".
Offers - wine tasting in wine cellar or in garden terrace, walking in the garden, heating outdoor frying pan where to cook the food brought with you and enjoying it together with wine.

Advisable calling in advance. (Ivo)

Dati sagatavoti sadarbībā ar uzziņu portālu Tēviņkalna vīna darītava

Latvija.lvKandavas novada ceļu karte.Tukuma novada pašvaldībaAktuālās tirgus izpētesPiejūra, atkritumu apsaimniekošanaKandavas komunalie pakalpojumi
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