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Buses (Matkules) Kuršu pilskalns

14,4 km no Kandavas, Matkules pagasts, Tukuma novads, Latvija, LV-3132
56.992104 22.603846

Castle Mound of Buse/Matkule

It is a five-level castle mound, from where beautiful scenery opens up to the valley of River Imula. The castle mound of Buse is included on the list of 50 most popular natural heritage monuments of state importance. Owing to its natural magnificence, it has been awarded with two flags of the European Heritage of Cultural History.

From to the found ceramic chippings, it was concluded that the settlers lived on the castle mound already during the 1st millennium B.C. and at the beginning of our era, and in the 10th and 14th century. It is believed that during the final stage, Couronians lived there, and the castle mound together with the ancient town formed one of the biggest Couronian centres.

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